News in Room 7

Maths Trail


Teddy Bear's Picnic

Water Cycle
We were learning all about the Water Cycle. We tested out the water cycle by completing very exciting experiments.  We drew the different stages of the water cycle on bags and added water to the bags. We hung our water cycle bags in the window in the classroom and observed very interesting results.  

We can see evaporation happening!

Tráth na gCeist

  St. Patrick's Day Celebrations

Pancake Tuesday

World Book Day

Buddy Reading with 5th Class

Buddy Reading in 2nd Class

 D.E.A.R. Time ( Drop Everything and Read)

Grandparents Day

Schools in Victorian Times

Ag Siopadóireacht
We have been working hard on our Irish this month. Ag siopadóreacht has been our theme for the month. We now know the names of the different shops as ghaeilge. We have worked hard on learning new verbs this month. 

Here are some of the phrases we have been practicing
  • Chuaigh mé ag siopadóireacht go dtí an siopa _______ ( bréagáin, ceoil, spóirt)
  • Cheannaigh mé _________sa siopa ( bréagáin, ceoil, spóirt)
  • Chonaic mé _______ sa siopa_______
  • Ní fhaca mé ________ sa siopa
  • Ba mhaith liom________
At present we are learning about Fractions- Halves and Quarters. We enjoy playing this game

 We have had a fantastic start to February in Rang a Dó. Spring has been our theme for the month. We learned about the different words associated with Spring, weather conditions in Spring, different flowers that bloom, baby animals that are born.

In Guided Writing we wrote some very interesting stories based on Spring. Before we could begin writing our stories, at the oral language station with Miss McCaughey we learned new vocabulary associated with Spring to help with our writing. With Mrs. Taylor we commenced the writing process. We completed our 1st and 2nd drafts for our stories. After our drafts were completed we had a conferencing session to see what changes we could make to our work. When we were happy with our pieces, we completed our final drafts and now the pieces have been published. It is safe to say we have some budding writers in Rang a Dó.

You can read some of the stories on the 'Our Work' section of the blog.

 Chinese New Year
The Chinese New Year celebrations began on January 28. We learned that this year is the year of the Rooster. We learned about the different animals in the Chinese New Year Zodiac Calendar. We will tell you some of the traits associated with each animal. We had an exciting time learning how to count to 10 in Chinese, making Chinese Lanterns and singing a Chinese song (Videos to follow). As well as that we even learned how to write our names in Chinese.

       New Year's Resolutions
To begin the New Year, we wrote about our resolutions for the coming year.



We completing a survey on the different car colours in the carpark. We then completed a pictogram and presented the findings to the class.

                                                                       10 Stars Treat
 For our treat, we went to the staffroom and drank hot chocolate with marshmallows and had a nice sing song. Hit the diff could be heard all down the corridor. We wore our pyjamas too.

Flat Stanley
Our Flat Stanley's finally made their way back home from their adventure's. They made their way to almost every county in Ireland and then some further afield to Australia, England, Lithuania and Poland.We had great fun listening to Stanley's adventures. Stanley had some very interesting stories to share with the class. Have a read at some below.

Have a look at some of our pictures from Halloween. We had great fun getting dressed up. We also had a Halloween disco . 

Friendship day
We celebrated friendship day in school on the 25th October . We began our day with our happy thoughts and we gave each other nice compliments . Then we went to the Halla and had breakfast with 5th class. We had yummy toast and a drink . In the afternoon we made friendship bracelets.

Flat Stanley
We were reading a story called Flat Stanley in class. In it, Stanley gets crushed by a bulletin board and becomes flat. For him, that means he can get posted all over the world. We are taking part in a Geography project and are linked with a school in Georgia, Atlanta, USA whereby we exchange Flat Stanley's. We have now sent our class Flat Stanley on his holidays to the USA. But before he went on his holidays we showed him all around Clones. We took him to the swimming pool, the library , Mrs. Hickey's, the diamond . Mrs. Kelly took Stanley home and he spent the evening with Monaghan county  footballer Fintan Kelly. He played football with him. 

We have been learning about Bia in Irish this month. We have been learning lots of new phrases and types of food, enjoying playing different Irish games and doing roleplay sa bhialann.

Senses Experiments
We have been learning all about our senses. We carried out experiments using all of our senses. Our favourite experiments were tasting different foods and smelling objects. We loved tasting the haribo sweets and smelling Ms McCaughey's perfume.

Materials Trail
We went on a materials trail around the school.

September 2016

We have had a very busy start to the year here in Second Class. We have been working so hard. Guided Reading has begun. We are in 4 different reading groups working on our reading, comprehension, word attack skills, spellings and lots more.We have been learning all about ourselves and our family this month. We each filled a bag with 3 things that described our personalities and presented it to the class for show and tell. We really enjoyed this. History has allowed us to learn all about our family trees. In Science we have been learning all about the skeleton. Did you know that a baby has more bones than an adult? We enjoyed tracing the outlines of our bodies and drawing the bones. We have begun our swimming lessons in Monaghan Swimming Pool.